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Digital letter D logo design



the story

Less Than Symbol

the founder

Less Than Symbol

the Portfolio

Less Than Symbol

the vision

Less Than Symbol
In Logo Blue Vector
Red Diamond Neon Tech Pattern
Open Book

The Story

Diamond Digital is the brainchild of Managing Partner and ​Founder, Rob Carter Diamond.

It is a New Mexico-based family-owned limited liability ​corporation and is the parent company of several business ​ventures, as well as artistic and social projects.

Rob is a veteran of the US Air Force, where he developed his ​skills and foundational knowledge of computer networking ​and telecommunications. He then became a veteran of ​countless experiences in nearly every industry vertical. He has ​designed, implemented, and managed information technology ​environments for hospitals, investment banks, government, ​schools, publishers, department stores, and many more.

Additionally, Rob is a what is called a serial entrepreneur ​having been involved in eight different tech startup ​businesses, as well as a multi-level marketing company, and a ​community arts and wellness venture.

Throughout his life and many business adventures, he has also ​maintained a connection to music, art, and writing.

Rob’s passion for music began when he attended his first ​rock concert, the heavy metal band Iron Maiden in 1984. ​While the pyrotechnics, the insanely loud music, and the ​giant mummified monster Eddie were all too impressive, it ​was the drum set surrounding the human being playing ​them that meant the most.

After begging his mother for a full year, he eventually did ​get his first Gretsch drum set. As they were on a very tight ​budget, which included food stamps at the time, he only ​got the kit, sticks, and a stool. There were no cymbals, no ​hi-hats. Looking back, it was the lack of cymbals that Rob ​credits for his ability to listen more closely to the cassette ​tapes he possessed. Boom box sitting next to the kit on his ​bed, jamming out to the tunes of Kiss, Van Halen, Bon Jovi, ​Winger, The Killer Dwarfs, and of course, Rush.

Neil Peart changed his life by teaching him that the drums ​were actually instruments. Each tom. Each cymbal. Each ​drumhead and the way it had been tuned. And most ​importantly, the space in between the notes. The way the ​drum and cymbal hits could compliment or contrast the ​guitar, bass guitar, keyboard, and vocals. The anticipation ​of the avalanche and waves of drum fills to come.

Yes, Rob would eventually discover the power and magic of ​love making. First, though, he discovered Neil Peart.

As the years passed, Rob joined band after band. His first ​being a cover band that played Christian Rock songs by the ​band Stryper. There were days when he would pack his kit ​into the bed of his friend Scott’s pickup truck and end up ​jamming to Motley Crue sitting in the middle of a field ​somewhere. After joining the Air Force, he co-founded a ​band that never really had a name. Four guys who only ​agreed on the Beatles would get together at various venues ​around the Air Force base, that they would be sent home ​from by the Security Police. During less than a year, and ​probably only three solid months of playing together, they ​wrote thirteen songs, recorded seven, and mixed three.

Eventually landing in New York City, Rob made a part-time ​unpaid profession out of looking up bands on Craig’s List ​that were looking for a drummer, meeting up and ​auditioning. He only ever joined two bands. While short ​lived, he was left with a few horribly awesome recordings.

The Story

While living in Brooklyn, Rob met and socialized with ​countless artists who taught him that the point of art is to ​not label it. There were others who loved to label it of ​course, and those who loved to judge and overuse the term ​juxtaposition. The ones that made an impact though were ​the artists who were artists without really wanting or trying ​to be artists. They were just authentically being.

Through these connections, while subcontracting at places ​like Lehman Brothers (yikes) and Condé Nast and walking ​the heels off of boots in the rain across the Manhattan, ​Williamsburg, and Brooklyn Bridges, he had an epiphany.

Life, love, the entrepreneurial spirit, the necessity of art, ​and the power of self-awareness and the clarity that all we ​are is what we are to each other. We are all connected. We are al​l, in fact, the same. It was at this point that he truly began ​to cease chasing “riches” in his business ventures and beg​an to imagine how success in business could be powered ​by and could benefit art, love, and humanity​.​

It was at this moment that the concept of (R)evolution Bl​ue emerged, inspired by the amazing book by Jerome Elliso​n, titled “A Serious Call to an American (R)evolution”​.​

This led to the vision for a technology business funded by an ​artistic project, an album, through a crowd funding ​approach. The artists would receive 73% of the funds ​acquired and 27% would fund the business. This idea came ​to light after failing to court venture capital firms to fund his ​latest tech startup. The project failed upon learning that ​only accredited investors were permitted to invest.

This was before crowd funding startup companies became ​legal. Before that change in American politics, only ​individuals who were already wealthy could invest in ​privately held startup companies--the system was rigged.

Rob moved on to launch several startup ventures, while ​working for various corporations along the way to make ​ends meet, the most inspiring being an arts and wellness ​venture. Meanwhile he continued writing poetry, music, and ​working on his novel. Still, in the back of his mind wanting to ​be a part of changing things. Upsetting the control of the 1% ​by creating a new type of American corporation. One that ​may be generating profits and yet utilizes those profits ​equitably and charitably. Not for tax breaks. For purpose. ​Through and for art and love. This is the dream. This is the ​point. Diamond Digital. The vehicle.

The Story

The Portfolio

The following business ventures, artistic, and social projects are trademarks of Diamond Digital. SIPSCOPE & Collab.Training ​are underway. Those pending deployment will either be registered d/b/a or sponsored 501(c)(3) non-profit entities.

Abstract Halftone Elements
Magnifying Glass Icon
Engagement Glyph Icon


Tech startup that ​provides IT solution ​implementation and ​management services.



Tech startup that ​provides IT technical ​training and job ​mentoring services.

Coming Soon Sticker Seal Vector Template
Simple Monoline Geometric Hotel Logo


Rob Diamond’s tech ​alter ego and media ​persona, who hosts an ​IT industry podcast.

Coming Soon Sticker Seal Vector Template
Elegant Abstract Floral Logo

UC brainbox

Online tech community ​for Unified ​Communications ​professionals.

Coming Soon Sticker Seal Vector Template


App and website that ​provides technical ​configuration sharing ​services for IT ​professionals.

Coming Soon Sticker Seal Vector Template


Organization that ​provides free school ​safety technology ​solutions.

Coming Soon Sticker Seal Vector Template


Free website that ​provides information to ​the public about safety ​procedures during an ​active intruder scenario.

Coming Soon Sticker Seal Vector Template


Free website and ​marketing services to non-​profits, artists, health care ​pros, activists, K-12 schools, ​& freelance educators.

Coming Soon Sticker Seal Vector Template

Relative Analog

Music publishing, ​production, and retail ​entity.

Coming Soon Sticker Seal Vector Template

Baked Records

Vintage music and ​cannabis storefront, ​bakery, cafe, art gallery, ​performance venue, ​and vinyl record ​pressing plant.

Coming Soon Sticker Seal Vector Template





Program that sponsors ​one homeless individual ​per year by directly ​giving them the support ​they need to be safe, ​happy, & successful.

Coming Soon Sticker Seal Vector Template


Online social platform ​focused on ​entrepreneurial arts ​activism (artivism).

Rob Carter


Instagram Outline Logo
Illustration of a X Mark
Flat Fill Twitter Icon
Blue Official Facebook Logo Social Media Icon
Black Official LinkedIn Logo

The Founder

It began when a small-town waitress in a Midwestern diner ​met a traveling “salesman”. He spoke in sentences she hadn’t ​heard before. Speaking of worldly adventures and island ​dreams, she was swept away. He passed through with ​frequency and eventually their romance elevated from diner ​to dinner. To dancing. To the future. He reached into his ​pocket, and he removed a dark, velvet bag and presented her ​with the shiniest subtle gem her eyes had yet to envision. ​There would be a union. There would be no future. He passed ​through and away, never to be seen again. His identity, a lie.

In eight moons she would bear a son. She would name him for ​the energy and the unmet promise. For the mystery and the ​allure. For the sparkle. For the shine. Her “Little Diamond”.

The waitress and the son would travel together, living in lands ​across the sea and all the small towns in between. She would ​adorn weapons, struggles, and scars to ensure his survival.

Many fathers and many names later, the boy emerged to ​conquer his own mysteries. Living in distant lands across two ​seas and the largest cities where he strived for meaning, ​purpose, vision. He designed and evolved from many lives and ​would be burned and would rise from the ashes. Shaking off ​the embers to live for the excitement of building. Dreaming.

Rob Carter Diamond would grow up not knowing his father.

His mother, Cindy Lou, joined the Army at 17 and left little ​Robbie, her little Diamond, to be raised by his maternal ​grandparents for many years.

Cindy then returned with a tall man that matched little ​Robbie’s complexion, hair, and eyes and gifted him a dad. ​The dad gifted him with an Irish Setter named Bert.

They traveled with the tall man, who would also gift a sister, ​Hollie Jo, and a brother Andrew named as the third of his ​line. They lived together in West Germany, Louisiana, ​Kentucky, and Texas. In the end, the tall man was too tall an ​order and the waitress and her little ones returned to the ​Midwest.

Rob was a bit of a lost child, bouncing from state to state ​and school to school. A bit of an outcast when sporting his ​European styles in the likes of El Paso and Chillicothe, Ohio.

He recalled traveling with his grandmother, Louise, when ​she drove from house to house selling Avon to her friends ​and neighbors, and the joy and coffee they experienced ​together at every meeting. This was his first impression of ​being a business owner and would prove to inform the ​foundation of his entire way of being.

After barely finishing high school, Rob joined the US Air ​Force and began his journey as a young father and ​husband. He quickly learned that being a young, enlisted ​man with two small children required additional income ​streams. He took on part-time jobs including delivering ​newspapers seven days a week at 4:00am, selling auto ​parts, selling knock-off perfume door-to-door, selling ​Amway, and being a weekend security guard at a ​construction site.

It was at the construction site that Rob wrote his second ​computer program and first one for the Air Force, while ​sitting in his S-10 pickup truck via the 45-minute battery on ​his squadron’s Zenith laptop computer. The Air Force ​recognized him with an achievement medal and early ​promotion. And thus began his obsession with technology.

The ​Founder

The Vision

In short, to do more than things that earn a profit.

In long, to make equitable and charitable giving a standard ​operating procedure. To recognize and strengthen the ​connection between the most valued and respected entity in ​the USA, the American Corporation and the artists that fuel ​our inspiration and the individuals that need the most help.

Do we want to be a monetarily successful corporation? Yes. Is ​it so we can sit on top of a hill in our mansions and count the ​gold? Absolutely no.

We need to take care of each other. We need to start doing ​that where we spend the majority of our waking hours on the ​planet--at work. To do our best to model the true heroes of our ​civilization that are providing direct services to those in need.

Some of us have the calling to do jobs that earn us vast ​amounts of money and we use that money to live beyond our ​means. Many of us have the calling and the drive to build our ​own businesses and be our own bosses.

How do any of us sleep at night? What could make that easier?

There is chaos in the world. There is pain and suffering. There ​is violence. There are misconceptions about freedom. Those in ​power are those who just move through life unscathed.

Those of us with influence have a responsibility to try. Damn it! ​To stand up for love, unity, respect, life, expression, and the ​rights of all human beings to choose and be heard.

A bit dramatic? Perhaps. But hey, it’s been a long road. Over ​fifty years on the planet for me and while I have made plenty ​of money over the years, have seen my children grow into ​amazing people, and could just cruise through my remaining ​years enjoying life with my beloved, our family, and our dog.

I think not. I think that deep down there is more to me than ​that and I think deep down there is more to all of us than that.

Well, I for one will be cruising and jamming of course, while I ​am also exploring how a For Profit American Corporation can ​be more than existing for profit. There is way too much beauty ​in the world of humans, animals, plants, and bees to just cruise ​and tune out to all the strife that doesn’t touch us. It’s time for ​a revolution. One without emphasis on red or white. Just blue.